Take a virtual tour
There are lots of online tours of churches and cathedrals across the UK. Many cathedrals and churches have created virtual visits and 360 tours. We have created a page on our website to try and list them all.
After months of school work, both in school and on your kitchen table, you deserve a break.
You can visit churchyards and explore the outside of churches, chapels and meeting houses on your local walk. You may also find some unlocked, so that you can discover what's inside.
We want to encourage you to visit them, explore them, draw them and make them out of things you have around the house. We've also got some stories, games, activities and songs!
We will explore over 1000 years of history, look at art and architecture, create art and crafts and tell stories and sing songs.
Do you love art, buildings, walking, cake, climbing, nature, history, cycling, geocaching, trees, finding a quiet space, stepping back in time, embroidery or Doctor Who. Or something else?
Whatever you are into, we have a church that can feed your passion.
There are lots of online tours of churches and cathedrals across the UK. Many cathedrals and churches have created virtual visits and 360 tours. We have created a page on our website to try and list them all.
Why not walk to your local church and look at the churchyard and outside of the building. What is it made of? Does it have a tower or spire? You might be able to spot faces, or animals, or maybe even something funny or rude!
Church buildings come in all shapes and sizes. Take a guided tour around a few different church buildings. What makes them different? What do they have in common? Visit different churches and chapels on this page from RE:quest.
Churchyards are often full of trees, of all different kinds. Most famous are probably the yew and the oak. You could collect some fallen leaves, make a drawing or painting or take photographs. Use this unbe-leaf-ably clear guide from Scouts UK.
It's as simple as looking up. Churchyards are often away from light pollution, so you should get a better view of the stars. Many are on high ground, because their towers soar heavenwards. Find great dark skies places on this page from Go Stargazing.
Geocaching is a modern, global treasure hunt. In the UK there is a special series of geocaches called Church Micros hidden in, around or near churches, there are over 12,000 to find. See what's near you, visit the geocaching website.
Churches, chapels and meeting houses are not just loved by hoomans, but by our four legged friends too. Many have a 'church cat'. They might be in residence or just passing through. Head down to your local and see if you can find the church cat!
Churchyards are a ‘who's who' of your area. Gravestones can tell you someones name, what they did, if they had children and more. Why not go in search of your name in a churchyard. You might be standing on the exact spot where your ancestors stood!
Arts Society trails of discovery guide you around historic places of worship, looking at art, artefacts, architecture and history. For each trail there is a trail sheet and an answers sheet. We are uploading them as one document to each church page!
Drawing or painting a picture is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Pick up a big pad and pencils, and head off to your local church. Or you might prefer to download a sketching app. See different painting styles on this page from BBC bitesize.
Why not take a wander around your local churchyard and seek out some stories. Who are all the people buried there? What do you think their lives were like? Tips and tricks for a spectacular short story on this page from BBC 500 Words
Taking photos with your phone or camera is a fun way to look at a church differently. Snap some of the details or from different angles. We have created some short films to help you take better photos with your phone or camera. We hope they help!
Find a square piece of paper, even newspaper will work, and fold yourself a church that looks incredibly similar to our little yellow logo! These instructions on YouTube are clear and simple, and you can pause the video as you go along to complete each step.
Beautiful, bright stained glass is something we are all drawn to. The rainbow of colours and shapes are like puzzles of light. PlayIdeas have 25 beautiful stained glass crafts. Create your own masterpiece, take a photo with the sun streaming through!
Take time out to challenge your brain with our jigsaws. Whether you are a teenager needing time out from holiday work, or a littlie getting to grips with using a touch screen ... get to grips with some of our gorgeous images from around the country.
Why not try and build a church or chapel? You could work a photo on our website or try and copy your local church. There are a few online tutorials, we love how detailed this one is. BlueNerd has obviously looked at a lot of churches!
We love Lego! It's one of the greatest inventions ever to help you understand how buildings are made. But, it also let's your mind run riot with colours and shapes! Have a go at building a church and send us a picture using #ExploreChurchesKids
Use your fingers to make a church with a steeple and people inside. Have a go for the first time, or step back to your younger childhood and recreate the finger church. Here are some instructions, if you need them!
We love Lego! It's one of the greatest inventions ever to help you understand how buildings are made. But, it also let's your mind run riot with colours and shapes! Have a go at building a church and send us a picture using #ExploreChurchesKids
Churches make brilliant landmarks to look out for when on a walk, bike ride or even in the car. If you are in the countryside, you might even be able to see a tower or spire from many miles away. Why not use them as markers whilst out and about.
iSpy is a great game to play at home or out and about. Why not sit in a churchyard and encourage your littlies to discover the world around them, and learn new words, using this simple game. Here's how to play iSpy from BBC tiny happy people.
Spend time in a leafy churchyard. The warmer weather, and a little rain, will bring lots of bugs and creepy crawlies out. So get out in the fresh air and take a closer look. Discover more nature activities, from the Woodland Trust.
Churches and churchyards are great places to practice mindfulness with your little ones. Fostering mindfulness can help them focus their attention and stay present. Discover 10 mindfulness exercises for little kids on this page from the BBC.
Old churchyards often have fantastic, flowery and species rich grasslands as they have been so little disturbed over the centuries. In towns they can be the only green ‘breathing’ space. Be careful not to pick them or move them from graves.
We would love to add your contributions.
You, or your parents, can share them with us on social using #ExploreChurchesKids or email them to us.
We believe that churches are for everyone, whether or not you are religious.
We encourage you visit and explore churches, chapels, meeting houses and churchyards. We want you to feel at home, to love them and to care for them.
Finding peace and quiet is one of the ‘50 Things to do in a Church’ and a particular attraction for Michael Palin, writer and performer and Vice President of the National Churches Trust.