Major grant funders for church buildings
This page lists some of the major grant givers for churches, chapels and meeting houses in the UK.
We hope that the information on this page is helpful. If you have any questions, or suggestions for other grant funders to feature, please email us.
The good news is that many grants are available for work to church buildings in the UK.
Some fund very specific activities, or support buildings in specific geographical areas. But there are others that provide grants for general projects to churches across the UK. These also tend to be the major grant givers which provide large amounts of funding.
Our grants and support organisations database
A great place to start is to find out if we can help you. We offer funding for major repair projects, for maintenance and for new community facilities, such as kitchens and toilets. If you have not already done so, take a look at the range of grants we offer.
Our website also has a database of support organisations for all churches, chapels and meeting houses across the UK.
You may also find our page on where to search for grant funding useful, as well as our advice on raising the funds for your project.
If your church is a listed building, don't forget to apply for a grant to cover the VAT incurred during your works, through the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme.
National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly the Heritage Lottery Fund)
The Heritage Fund has a variety of programmes which might suit your project if it has a heritage and community angle. Contact your local fund office for a chat : www.heritagefund.org.uk/in-your-area
Garfield Weston Foundation
This foundation gives grants for reordering church buildings in order to give greater flexibility of use, including assistance with disabled access. It also helps fund creating kitchen and toilet facilities. Applications are considered on an individual basis monthly. It normally takes three or four months for an application to be processed.
Benefact Trust (Formerly Allchurches Trust)
This funder responds to requests for financial assistance from Anglican churches, churches of other denominations and the wider Christian community. The Trust supports appeals from churches for building and restoration projects, repair of church fabric, church community initiatives, religious charities, charities preserving the UK heritage and other charitable causes.
Landfill Communities Fund
Since 1996 Landfill Operators can choose to re-direct part of their tax bill to local communities near landfill sites rather than paying it to the Treasury. The funds are distributed through Environmental Bodies (such as WREN, Veolia Trust, Suez Communities Trust, Biffa, Viridor Credits, Cory Environmental etc) which able to support the repair and wider community use of historic places of worship. Check postcode eligibility on each individual own website, or search funds available at ENTRUST.
Churches Trusts
Many counties in England have a local church trust which may have grants available. Scotland has Historic Churches Scotland. You can find details on our Churches Trusts page.
UK Home Countries Heritage Bodies
Historic England, Cadw, Historic Environment Scotland and Department for Communities in Northern Ireland all, from time to time, have funding opportunities available.
Your denomination
Some denominations have their own grant programmes, contact your central office for advice.
Roof Alarms
One of the best ways to prevent lead and metal theft, and in most instances to receive an insurance pay-out in the case of a theft, is to install a roof alarm. The Benefact Trust is the main funder of these, though some County Church Trusts and Dioceses also have schemes.
Community / Installation of Facilities
National Lottery Community Fund (formerly the Big Lottery Fund)
The National Lottery Community Fund has a variety of programmes which might suit your project if it has a community angle. We have know many churches to have success through the Awards for All programme. Get in touch with your local office and have a chat with them.
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
The foundation gives grants to help established projects which work in the fields of community support, arts, education and heritage, disability and health.
Benefact Trust
The Trust runs Growing Lives : a grants programme aimed at helping churches and Christian organisations throughout the UK connect with children and young people with grants of up to £25,000. The programme can fund equipment in order to run activities, or structural changes to enhance a building to be able to offer its initiative such as upgrading a kitchen or space.
Aviva CommunityFund
Grants of up to £50,000 for forward-thinking causes that help move their communities forward. Quarterly rounds.
Joseph Rank Trust
Grants are provided for the installation of facilities
Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation
Grants are awarded for refurbishment and improvement projects at churches and church halls that have a strong community angle.
Laing Family Trusts
Supports a wide range of charities engaged in promoting Christian faith and values and in the relief of poverty (interpreted in its broadest sense), both in the UK and overseas.
Norwood and Newton Settlement
Funds the demolition and rebuilding of churches, church extensions and upgrades, building purchase to convert to churches from schools, pubs etc., and capital projects from local charities.
Congregation and General Charitable Trust
Funds repair and facilities projects at URC and Congregational denominations, as well as others in the Protestant tradition.
Welsh Government Community Facilities Programme
Churches in Wales may be able to access funding through this programme
Cinnamon Network
This is an umbrella network for a range of social outreach and action projects and often have micro grants available to set up new initiatives. Their series of webinars hosted during the Coronavirus lockdown are also full of useful information for meeting the needs of your local community.
UK Community Foundations
Local Community Foundations are a good source of local knowledge, knowledge of local funders, and indeed funds. Find your local foundation via the UK Community Foundations.
Other ideas
Find out what funding is available in your local. Is your area a Heritage Action Zone? Does your local authority have funds available through Community Infrastructure Levy? Is your area a Big Local area? These things may provide opportunities for you to link with the local community, and possibly access funding.
Artwork and Monuments
Memorial Grant Scheme VAT rebate
Apply for a rebate of the VAT incurred on work
Churches Conservation Foundation
The foundation provides grants of £250 to £2,000
Idlewild Trust
Conservation of artworks and objects
Friends of Friendless Churches
Funds for new art in churches
Heating and lighting
These items are often best funded as part of larger projects. Some of the funders listed above such as the National Lottery Community Fund or funds available from the Landfill Communities Fund may be worth exploring.
Windows and stained glass
Memorial Grant Scheme VAT rebate
Apply for a rebate of the VAT incurred on work
National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly the Heritage Lottery Fund)
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has a variety of programmes which might suit your project, if it has a heritage angle. Find out more here. We suggest contacting your local office for a chat: www.hlf.org.uk/inyourarea
Glaziers Trust
Gives grants for the restoration and conservation of historic and important stained glass.
William and Jane Morris Fund
This fund provides grants for the conservation of decorative features.
Grants for the conservation of stained glass and historic plain glazing.
Churches Conservation Foundation
This new fund can support historic churches and chapels in England with grants of £250 to £2,000.
Pilgrim Trust
The trust makes an annual block grant to the Council for the Care of Churches for the conservation of historic contents (organs, bells, glass, monuments etc.) and important structures and monuments in churchyards for places of worship of all denominations
Organs and music
Arts Council Arts Lottery Fund
Organ appeals in connection with concert and other performances should approach the Arts Lottery Fund. The National Lottery Heritage Fund Your Heritage scheme may also be appropriate for major works to historic instruments.
Grants for the conservation of organs and organ cases.
O N Organ Fund
Offers grants for the provision and restoration of pipe organs in the British Isles.
Ouseley Trust
Where there is an active choral tradition, this Trust offers grants to promote and maintain a high standard of choral services.
National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly the Heritage Lottery Fund)
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has a variety of programmes which might suit your project, if it has a heritage angle. Find out more here. We suggest contacting your local office for a chat: www.hlf.org.uk/inyourarea
Sharpe Trust
Grants for the maintenance, repair, and restoration of church bells in England and Wales.
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
Administers two funds for bell restoration, the Central Council's Bell Restoration Fund and the Fred E Dukes International Bell Fund (for bell restorations outside the British Isles). When funds are available, applications for the Bell Restoration Fund are invited by notices in The Ringing World and on the CCCBR website.
Grants for the conservation of bells and bell frames.
National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly the Heritage Lottery Fund)
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has a variety of programmes which might suit your project, if it has a heritage angle. Find out more here. We suggest contacting your local office for a chat: www.hlf.org.uk/inyourarea