Safeguarding Policy
Purpose and aim of the Policy
The National Churches Trust (NCT) is committed to being a safe and trusted environment for all who work for or are involved with the NCT. The policy applies to all staff and volunteers; including Trustees and Committee members and interns (collectively known as staff). It also applies to those we engage with, including donors, vice presidents and event attendees (collectively known as supporters).
While the primary responsibility for ensuring the welfare of children and adults rests with the accompanying supervising adult/s, the NCT has taken all reasonable steps to provide a physical and virtual environment which is safe for the public, as well as its own staff and supporters.
This page states the NCT’s policy on the appropriate treatment of children and adults at risk and minimising the opportunity for abuse when they are on NCT premises, or in contact with NCT staff and supporters. The policy aims to:
- Promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and adults at risk.
- Provide assurance to parents, carers, and other parties that the NCT takes reasonable steps to manage risks and keep children and adults at risk safe.
- Ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding matters.
- Ensure that appropriate action is taken in the event of any allegations or suspicions regarding abuse or inappropriate behaviour towards children or adults at risk visiting or interacting with the NCT.
This policy requires that any suspicions and allegations involving abuse to children and adults at risk, or any breach of this policy is referred to the designated safeguarding leads: the CEO and the Safeguarding Trustee to determine what action, if any, must be taken. This is to ensure each situation is responded to thoroughly, and that suitable steps are taken, which may include contacting the statutory authorities (police or children’s/adult social care) and/or fulfilling the legal duty to refer information to the DBS as required. The procedure for managing suspicions and allegations aims to strike a balance between the need to protect children and adults at risk from abuse and the need to protect staff and others from false or unfounded accusations.
The Basis of Safeguarding
There are many statutes that include provisions relating to the welfare and protection of children and adults at Risk. These include but are not limited to:
- Data Protection Act 2018
- Sexual Offences Act 2003
- Children’s Act 2004
- The Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014
- Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation
- Relevant government guidance on safeguarding children including Working together to safeguard children 2018
- Care Act 2014
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012)
- Mental Health Act 2007 (as amended from the 1983 Act)
- Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
Safeguarding is protecting an adult's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding particularly focuses on adults and children at risk, who could be vulnerable supporters or staff. A safeguarding concern is when you are worried about the safety of a child or adult at risk because of something you have witnessed, or information which has been given to you. A safeguarding concern can also involve a member of staff, putting others at risk by their actions. Any concerns must be reported immediately, and the policy below provides guidance on the NCT’s reporting procedures.
Abuse can be identified as; physical abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial or material abuse, modern slavery, discriminatory abuse, organisational abuse, abuse through social media, coercive or controlling behaviour, neglect or self-neglect.
Safeguarding Statement
The NCT adheres to following the six key principles that underpin safeguarding work, as defined in the 2014 Care Act:
- Empowerment
- Prevention
- Proportionality
- Protection
- Partnership
- Accountability
The NCT will not tolerate abuse and staff should ensure that their work reflects the principles above and ensure that adults and children with care and support needs are involved in their decisions and informed consent is obtained.
The NCT should be transparent and accountable in delivering safeguarding actions.
Safeguarding Procedure
If someone discloses to you or you identify a safeguarding incident, it is important to remember the following principles when responding:
- Take emergency action if someone is at immediate risk of harm/in need of urgent medical attention. Alert the first aider and dial 999 for emergency services. Alert their emergency contact if relevant (not if the emergency contact is the abuser).
- Listen – Let the person tell their story and don’t push for information. Repeat back what they have said to ensure clarity if that will help.
- It is not your role to investigate, just gather information to aid those whose job it is (police/children & adult social care)
- Always show acceptance of what you are being told, whatever your personal opinion might be.
- Keep calm and reassure the person that they aren’t to blame for what has happened to them
- Be honest and never make promises to keep what you are being told confidential. If abuse is disclosed, you will need to report this
- Try to involve them as much as possible in the ongoing process, let them know who needs to be told and what will happen, involving them in decisions where appropriate
Staff and volunteers need to report any potential safeguarding concerns to the CEO and/or the Safeguarding Trustee. In a life threatening situation, it is important to immediately call emergency services.
Where possible include the following in your report:
- Date, time, and location of incident
- Name of Child/Adult at Risk
- Age/Date of birth of child/adult at risk
- Name of Parent/Responsible Adult
- Contact details
- Factual details of your concern, including any witnesses, injuries if you spoke to the child/adult at risk or responsible adults, and if so, what was said
The CEO or Safeguarding Trustee will record the safeguarding concern and keep it on file in a secure and confidential location where the alleged abuser will not have access to the record. The record will be treated confidentially and will not be shared except in the following circumstances:
- Emergency or life-threatening situations where information must be shared to protect the person when unconscious (vital interest).
- If the information is confidential, but there is a safeguarding concern, sharing it may be justified.
- Where the public interest served outweighs, the public interest served by protecting confidentiality – for example, in cases where a serious crime may be prevented.
The Safeguarding Trustee should make a decision about whether to refer the concern to;
- the police if a crime has been committed and/or;
- the adult’s local social services for possible safeguarding enquiry.
The designated Safeguarding Trustee keeps a record of the reasons for referring the concern or reasons for not referring.
In making a decision whether to refer or not, the designated Safeguarding Trustee should take into account;
- the adult’s wishes and preferred outcome;
- whether the adult has mental capacity to make an informed decision about their own and others’ safety;
- the safety or wellbeing of children or other adults with care and support needs.
It is expected that all staff and volunteers will report safeguarding concerns to the safeguarding lead/CEO. If the allegation is against the CEO, the Safeguarding Trustee should be contacted in the first instance.