Christ Church Jean MCCreanor

Christ Church

Do visit this church, built in 1903, and enjoy the feel, integrity and scale of the building.

Holloway, Derbyshire

Opening times

Most days during daylight hours.


Church Street

Built between 1901 and 1903, architected by P.H.Currie in the Free Gothic style, the tower being added in 1911. Set on a hill, with a good view of the valley, surrounded by lawns, trees and hedges. To the north of the building lie the wooden huts of the 3rd Matlock Christ Church Scouts. The church building comprises a nave with chancel. The tower is located above the choir and contains bell and ringing chambers and the mechanism for the clock. On the north and south walls, the names of those who fell in the First World War are carved along with the names of their regiments and the battles and dates of their deaths. This is in large lettering and makes a deep impression on visitors. At the west end there is a font in alabaster with carved detailing set on a red marble step. Nave pews are oak with pannelled backs. To the west end some pews have been removed to make way for a social area. An oak communion rail and altar and lectern have been installed between the choir and the nave to enable worship to be more intimate. Behind the high altar there is an oak framed and panelled reredos incorporating carved tracery work with elements gilded and painted. There is a fine dramatic, stained glass east window by Louis Davis of Pnner, featuring St George, Jacob wrestling with the Angel, Jacob's Dream and the Archangel Michael. It is a memorial to George Futvoye Marsden Smedley, killed in action in the First World War.

  • Magnificent memorials

  • Spectacular stained glass

  • Dog friendly

  • Non-accessible toilets in church

  • On street parking at church

  • Ramp or level access available on request

  • Steps to enter the church or churchyard

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Evensong on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6.30 pm Holy Communion on the 3rd and 4th Sundays at 11 am Every Tuesday morning Holy Communion at 9.30 am in the Parish Room under the west end of the church

  • Church of England

  • Wolfson Fabric Repair Grant, £5,000, 2021

  • The grant will help the church to improve access to the tower and repair the tower roof.

Contact information

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