Trinity Methodist Church

Clitheroe, Lancashire


Trinity Methodist Church

A grant to help fund a project including installing toilet facilities, improving disabled access and removing all pews and replacing them with removable seating. Built in 1887, this is an archetypal, medium sized Wesleyan Chapel. The church is immediately next to the town park and is locally referred to as 'the church on the park'. In 1963 the three Methodist churches in Clitheroe chose this building as their joint church. At that time there were significant modifications made to the interior of the church. Since then there has been little change to the church itself apart from decoration and repair. The project was to enable the building to be used for a wide range of activities and be open for significant periods during the week.

  • Methodist Church

  • Community Grant, £10,000, 2014

  • Our Community Grants helped churches to install essential facilities such as toilets and kitchens.

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