St Catherine

Draughton, Northamptonshire


St Catherine

Late C12, C13 and C19 church of coursed rubble with limestone ashlar dressings, plain tile roof to chancel, porch and vestry, lead roof to nave and aisles. West tower. Chancel remodelled c.1885. Urgent works highlighted by the latest quinquennial inspection, requiring repair or renewal of lead roof sheets, gutters and flashing to tower roof, south porch, chancel, vestry, south and north aisle, nave.

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £2,500, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

St Michael

Haselbech, Northamptonshire

The medieval church has a fine west tower around 1500.

All Saints

Lamport, Northamptonshire

Whilst the tower is medieval the church was so rebuilt in the 17th and 18th century that that is its overriding appearance.