St James the Less

Edinburgh, Lothian


St James the Less

C14 Gothic by R. Rowand Anderson, 1888, red Corsehill stone, spacious interior, open kingpost roof to nave, arcade to south aisle and chancel arch to chancel. Chancel fittings and baptistery by John J. Burnet. Painted decoration by William Hole; a lettered frieze of the words of the 'Te Deum' links the nave and the chancel which is painted in spirit fresco with apostles, prophets and martyrs above lettered frieze, vines and peacocks below. Stencilled nave decoration. 

The church has problems of water ingress from roof leaks, with potential for timber rot, and external drainage problems. Externally masonry is not drying out. The nave and chancel will be scaffolded, roof slates and ridge tiles stripped, sorted and sound slates laid aside for re-use. Defective stone gable wallhead copings will be replaced in natural stone and repointed. The roof will be re-slated using existing slates with sound second-hand slates to match. Upgrade external drainage.

  • Scottish Episcopal Church

  • Partnership Grant, £2,000, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

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Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh

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