St Mary the Virgin

Farcet, Cambridgeshire


St Mary the Virgin

A grant from the WREN Heritage Fund following a recommendation by the National Churches Trust.

  • Church of England

  • WREN Heritage Fund Grant, £30,000, 2013

  • WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental)  Funds were awarded for urgent repair projects, based on our recommendation, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

Peterborough Cathedral


Founded as a monastic community in 654AD, the cathedral became one of the most significant medieval abbeys in the country, the burial place of two queens and the scene of Civil War upheavals.

St Mary Magdalene

Stilton, Cambridgeshire

Stilton has always been an important place geographically, situated at the side of a major Roman road, Ermine Street, and the area around Stilton and Folksworth was also the site of a major Prisoner of War Camp from Napoleonic times.