Marton United Reformed Church
Blackpool, Lancashire
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This church , dating from 1832, has served generations in the South Shore area of Blackpool and continues to be a centre of the local community.
Blackpool, Lancashire
In the early 19th century, the inhabitants of South Shore began to talk about building a church. The church was built in 1836 on a site among sandhills. In 1886, a squall of wind made the roof ridge supports sag and a new church had to be built. From the old church we have the keystone, which is over the church entrance, and two original stained glass windows.
The plans of the new church were drawn up by Richard Kniel Freeman. His work was mainly ecclesiastical, and across the northwest, but he also designed buildings abroad. He built the only Anglican church in Moscow and a church and house in San Remo.
Holy Trinity is considered to be his 'chef d'oeuvre' (his very best work). The total cost of the church was £14,000; this great sum (at that time) was raised mainly through the generosity of parishioners. It is one of the finest examples of ecclesiastical architecture in the town.
Blackpool, Lancashire
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Blackpool, Lancashire
The church was consecrated in 1912 by the Bishop of Manchester, and due to it's location was dubbed 'The Church on the Cliffs' by the first People's Warden.
Lytham St Annes, Lancashire
Built in 1908, features stunning Accrington brick in stretcher bond, sandstone dressings, and a graduated Cumbrian slate roof with red ridge tiles, all in the elegant Arts & Crafts Perpendicular style.