St Peter and St Paul

Knapton, Norfolk


St Peter and St Paul
NR28 0SB

St Peter and St Paul’s principal glory is its magnificent medieval double hammerbeam roof, dis-playing inside, on its various parts, no less than 138 subtly painted angels with spread wings. This has been described as ‘probably the handsomest parish church roof in the country’. The church is built of Norfolk flint. The tower and chancel of the church are 14th century and the nave was remodelled in the 15th century. The chancel has a priest's door with a very rare small porch. The church is used for regular Sunday Worship and for weddings, funerals and baptisms. The local school use the church for special services such as Harvest Festival. Heritage weekends take place including local history displays, flower displays and bell ringing demonstrations. Concerts are also held in the Church.

  • Church of England

  • Cornerstone Grant, £40,000, 2015

  • Our Cornerstone Grants fund urgent repairs and essential community facilities such as toilets and kitchens to help keep churches open.

  • WREN Heritage Fund Grant, £25,000, 2015

  • WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental)  Funds were awarded for urgent repair projects, based on our recommendation, to help keep churches open.

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St Margaret

Paston, Norfolk

Medieval 14th century church with nationally significant wall paintings and a rich historic and social heritage linked to the Paston Family of Paston Letters fame.