GreaterManchesterOLDHAMLimesideMethodistChurch(MatthewMariesSTAFF)8 MatthewMaries

Oldham Limeside Methodist Church

We are the only church in the middle of a housing estate.

Oldham, Greater Manchester

Opening times

The building is open for the youth club on Mondays between 6.15pm and 7.15pm term time only. It is open for the dance groups on a Wednesday evening from 7pm to 9pm and Fridays from 5pm to 7pm.


Limeside Road
Greater Manchester

In the post war years, the council decided to build a large housing estate at Limeside. Two sites had been chosen for church buildings. Methodism saw the opportunity although it took many years before building work started. In 1951 the local Methodist circuit backed the idea, and it was evident that it would mean the movement of an existing church to the new site. The people at Hollins Road 'Mission' were offered that opportunity, and they agreed. In October 1958 the foundations were laid, and Limeside Methodist Church was opened on 23 April 1960.

The church has a flat roof, typical of the time, and the design of the building means that when it rains much of the rainwater runs into the cellar. This is then pumped to ground level by a small pump. The church still has the original herringbone parquet flooring in the two main rooms. There have been some changes over the years with the addition of grills over the windows and a security fence, rather than the original low brick wall. 

  • Accessible toilets in church

  • Bus stop within 100m

  • Level access to the main areas

  • On street parking at church

  • Methodist Church

Contact information

Other nearby churches

St Paul

Oldham, Greater Manchester