St Andrew

Little Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire


St Andrew
Little Berkhamsted
SG13 8LS

Repairs to bell tower and spire including gutters and stone work. The church is of Saxon origin and its oldest visible features are the C14 English oak bell tower surmounted by a shingle clad broach spire. It has undergone a number of additions, alterations and restorations, particularly in the C19. The English oak bell tower is from the C14 and the three bells were installed pre-1400, 1621 and 1718 respectively. The entrance doors are from the C17 and contain a hole allegedly caused by a musket ball during the Civil War when the rector opposed the Parliamentary Army. The clock was installed in 1791.

The church architect's inspection identified the need for urgent repairs to the timber bell tower and spire. The turret is timber clad and in poor condition, and leaking connection with the roof coverings has lead to water penetration, damaging the surrounding fabric causing extensive staining to external stonework and internal plasterwork. Repairs to the roof covering, timber, lead flashing and gutters will ensure the future weather tightness of the tower, and damage and staining to stone and plasterwork will be reversed.

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £2,500, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

St Andrew

Little Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire

St Andrew

Hertford, Hertfordshire

The origin and date of St Andrew’s is not certain but some authorities believe it is the original church of Hertford, the parish being created in 860 AD.