St Columba

A triple height Gothic Church of Ireland church, built between 1863-1871 to designs by architect JE Rogers of the Church Commissioners in Dublin.

Omagh, County Tyrone

Opening times

At present, the church is open on European Heritage Open Days and by request to the Rector or member of the Select Vestry.


Church Street
County Tyrone
BT78 1DG

St Columba's Church is a triple height Gothic Church of Ireland, built between 1663-1871 to designs by architect JE Rogers of the Church Commissioners in Dublin. It sits at the ‘top of the town’ of Omagh. The spire forms one of the ‘three spires of Omagh’, an aesthetically pleasing and historically significant site which is a famous part of the Omagh skyline. The church has a rich array of historical assets. For example, the mosaic reredos by distinguished architect Thomas Drew, the donation of the east and west windows by the Stack and Galbraith families, the silverware which predates the church and the memorial brass eagle lectern.

  • Captivating architecture

  • Magnificent memorials

  • Accessible toilets in church

  • Café within 500m

  • Car park at church

  • Level access to the main areas

  • On street parking at church

  • Parking within 250m

  • There is a range of regular activities running throughout term time, such as: Evergreen Club: a social club for the older population, meeting on a fortnightly basis. Jelly Tots: a weekly ‘parent and toddler’ group which attracts a significant crowd, reaching well beyond the parish. Sunday School: a weekly religious educational group, meeting on Sunday mornings. Prayer and Fellowship Group: providing spiritual enrichment and fellowship for adults. Mothers Union: a group for females (not solely mothers) working to support families. Rock Solid: a youth fellowship group for teenagers across the Omagh area. Bowls Club: an indoor bowling club participating in social and competitive short mat bowls. Choir: the St Columba’s choir are an award winning choir, serving the Church on Sunday’s, and participating in Choir recitals outwith the church.

  • Church of Ireland

  • Treasure Ireland Grant, £10,000, 2022

  • These grants are part of the Treasure Ireland project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Pilgrim Trust and the Department for Communities. 

Contact information

Other nearby churches

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Clanabogan, County Tyrone

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