St Piran and St Michael

Perranuthnoe, Cornwall


St Piran and St Michael
TR20 9NH

A project to repair the roof and stonework.

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £5,000, 2015

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

All Saints

Marazion, Cornwall

Marazion church, across the bay from St Michael’s Mount, is perhaps best renowned for the hymn writer Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847) who wrote ‘Praise my soul, the king of heaven’ and ‘Abide with me’.

Marazion Methodist Church

Marazion, Cornwall

Built in 1895 this chapel is a fine example of provincial, gothic style with fine stained glass windows throughout.

St Hilary

St Hilary Churchtown, Cornwall

St Hilary church, with its historic links to St Michael’s Mount, has a rich and celebrated history from prehistoric times to the present day.