All Saints
Flixborough, Lincolnshire
This beautiful church is nestled in the heart of the North Lincolnshire countryside. The tranquil church grounds accommodate the memorial to the Nypro disaster in 1974.
Built in 1853 is currently housing three exhibitions; the Inclesmoor Embroidery Map, the forgotten village of Amcotts at Flixborough and the award winning Amcotts Butterfly Garden.
Amcotts, Lincolnshire
The renovation of St Mark's has been taking place over the last 5 years due to the hard work of the St Marks Community Group. A very original way to heat and light the church has been developed and most describe the building as a lovely little church.
Attractive stained glass windows now adorn the chancel and west window after damage from Flixborough some 45 years ago.
We have an award winning Butterfly Garden in the churchyard created by the children of the village and the village itself won Best Kept Small Village in 2018.
Flixborough, Lincolnshire
This beautiful church is nestled in the heart of the North Lincolnshire countryside. The tranquil church grounds accommodate the memorial to the Nypro disaster in 1974.
Althorpe, Lincolnshire
Roxby, Lincolnshire