NorthamptonshireWARMINGTONStMaryBlessedVirgin(chrisstaffordCC-BY-SA2.0)1 ChrisStafford

St Mary the Blessed Virgin

The interior of the church is 13th century at its best, with a wooden roof in imitation of stone vaulting and one of the best collections of Green Men in England.

Warmington, Northamptonshire

Opening times

The church of St Mary the Blessed Virgin is always open.


Church Street

Down the centre of the nave roof is a line of bosses with nine carved faces of the Green Man with characteristic leafy surrounds.

Pews at the rear of the nave are 14th century and decorated with poppy heads and irises or lilies. The rest of the pews are copies of the originals installed during the 1876 restoration by Sir George Gilbert Scott. A rare 13th century piscina with a circle of eight cusps in the south aisle.

There is a beautiful painted and gilded chancel screen, the base of which is 15th century as is the pulpit. Handsome wooden Jacobean linenfold screen encloses the Lady Chapel. The medieval font stands on 17th century octagonal base dated 1662.

Warmington's church has one of the most famous of all Northamptonshire's steeples. Built in the 13th century (as is the rest of the church) its square lower part has three stages, the top one with highly decorated belfry windows. Above that is a broach spire, with very large spire lights (or lucarnes).

Some of the detailing of this magnificent small church was used as inspiration by architect William Butterfield when he came to build his famous church of All Saints, Margaret Street, London.

  • Captivating architecture

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • Fascinating churchyard

  • Social heritage stories

  • Level access to the main areas

  • On street parking at church

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Church of England

Contact information

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