Training sessions : book now



ONLINE : Discover the Impact of Your Church - House of Good: Local

We’re excited to introduce the House of Good: Local, a powerful new social value calculator for churches, developed in partnership with State of Life and supported by the Benefact Trust. For the first time, individual churches will be able to clearly show their contribution to local welfare and wellbeing.



ONLINE : How to Read Your Church

All churches, chapels and meeting houses have gone through stages of building and development over time. Discover how to spot these architectural details, and step back in time with us to see how a typical parish church might have looked at various points in its life.



ONLINE : Filming in Churches

Have you ever wondered how to benefit from your church being used as a filming location? In this session Henry Neild will introduce the film business and talk about projects, large and small, that have been held in churches.


Church Repairs
(c) CCT

ONLINE : Funding Your Project & Applying to the National Lottery

Are you planning a major repair, reordering or heritage project for your church? Are you thinking about or already preparing a National Lottery Heritage Fund application? Jon Hodges has been Project Manager for our Cherish project since May 2024, join him and a representative from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to learn more.



ONLINE : Open Churches, an insurers perspective

Joseph Davies, Church Support Manager with Ecclesiastical Insurance will lead this session and take you through the steps and measures you can undertake to protect the building and its contents. Busting the myths about keeping the building open to welcome people in.



ONLINE : Bats in Churches

Hazel Tocock, Bats in Churches Advisor at the Bat Conservation Trust will discuss the unique relationship between bats and churches, and how churches can get the help and support they need to manage their bat population.



ONLINE : Emergency Planning, an insurers perspective

In this session Heather Ford from Ecclesiastical Insurance, will take you through the steps to devise an Emergency Plan so that should the worse happen your response is quicker and more effective.



ONLINE : Applying for National Churches Trust Grants

Where do you start? Which grant should you apply for? What information do you need to provide? Help is on hand. This FREE workshop is the ideal session for anyone involved with a church, chapel or meeting house in the UK who wants to learn more about our grants.



ONLINE : In Kind Direct, could your church projects benefit

In Kind Direct is a UK-wide charity that distributes consumer products donated at scale by companies, including toiletries, period products, cleaning supplies, laundry items, clothing, baby essentials, toys and games. Find our how your church can benefit.



ONLINE : Digital Giving, options and ideas

With card having overtaken cash as the preferred form of payment in society, being able to encourage and accept digital donations is key for many churches. Whether you are right at the start of your journey, or looking to make the most of tecnology you already have.



ONLINE : Managing Your Project, brief guide to success

A church building project is often a once a generation opportunity. But managing such a project, from planning and community consultation to funding and through to completion is complicated and stressful. Join us for a brief overview of some of the key things to bear in mind.



ONLINE : Getting Planning Permission

Ecclesiastical Exemption exempts some churches from Listed Building Consent, but this does not remove the need for Planning Permission for external changes or work to tombs, lychgates and walls. In this session Rebecca Burrows will cover the what, when, why and how of applying for Planning Permission and consulting Amenity Societies.