Care & Conservation Awards
Nominate your church for these awards
Church buildings are still standing and here to serve communities thanks to the people and teams looking after them.
These awards celebrate the great care taken of churches, chapels and meeting houses across the UK. They bring a human story to conservation and maintenance, which traditionally tend to be less visible when celebrating and rewarding what churches do, despite a huge reliance on volunteers.
Volunteer teams from any church, chapel or meeting house can be nominated for these awards. We want to celebrate the geographic spread of the great work that exists in caring for churches across the UK.
To nominate your church, chapel or meeting house for this award, you just need to be able to tell us about the people involved in caring for your church, chapel or meeting house and, the difference that it makes and what having a well cared for building enables you to do.
Your application will be reviewed by an expert panel.
What is the prize?
There will be four winners chosen for this award – one from each UK nation. Each winner will receive £500.
NEW extended deadline for nominations
How do I submit a nomination?
Deadline for submissions is Thursday 5 September (midnight).
Click here to download the guidelines and questions for this award.
We recommend that you prepare your nomination in a separate document before copying and pasting it into the online form. This will help you to make best use of the character limits for each question, whilst ensuring you tell us everything you want us to know. You will be able to amend your nomination up until the closing date.
Click here to nominate your church, chapel or meeting house for the Care & Conservation Awards
Once you have submitted your form you will need to email at least 5 images.
- If possible, please rename them with the name of your church; this will help us to match them to your entry
- Please include photos of your team at work, or of the activities that your good work enables
- You can also upload up to 3 documents (for example a maintenance or project plan)
- You can also send a link to a film, if you have one
- Please email them to sarah.crossland@nationalchurchestrust.org
Previous winners
Working with partners across the sector we celebrate churches and the people who care for them through a range of award schemes. In 2022 and 2023 we launched the National Church Awards, working closely with partners, funders and sponsors across the sector. Here are some previous winners from similar categories in those awards.
An inspiring legacy
This year, the National Church Awards have been inspired by the work and legacy of Lord Patrick Cormack, a champion of church buildings, who dedicated his life to helping to keep the UK’s churches open and in use – and who partnered with many different organisations to make this happen.
A tribute to an extraordinary champion of churches