Institute of British Organ Building
The Institute of British Organ Building (IBO) is the recognised craft association representing pipe organ building firms and individual professional organ builders in the UK.
The IBO was established in December 1995 to represent, inform, serve and assist organ builders and their suppliers, and to encourage by all practical means the improvement of skills and standards within the craft. In 2021 the IBO changed its status to that of a charity (Registered in England & Wales, #1193458).
Over 200 companies or individuals have become IBO members of various categories, including over 70 businesses. Applicants who wish to become Business Members are asked to submit their workshops and examples of their work for examination before acceptance. The IBO produces a Register of Accredited Business Members containing details of members’ workshop facilities, numbers of staff and scope of work undertaken. This Register is available at our website ibo.co.uk and in print in our journal.
In 2024 we created a category of membership specifically for younger organ builders which arranges a variety of social events as well as tailored training.
We have a category of membership for those interested in organ building, but not working within the craft. These are known as Associate members and details on how to sign up are within the webstore of our website.
The journal Organ Building highlights the latest achievements by British organ builders with contributory authors including consultants and clients too. It is available for sale through our website.
The IBO publishes a newsletter for its membership four times a year. It contains a variety of articles, technical information, reviews of new products, news, letters and advertisements for employment and products of interest to members.
The IBO has published a series of information leaflets covering a variety of topics from Acoustics, Redundant Organs, Fundraising and Writing Organ Reports, which are available for download from our website.
Other Activities
Our members enjoy meeting up at various locations throughout the UK to visit recent projects completed by their peer group and colleagues, ranging from Cathedrals to schools, university conservatoires and parish churches. Presentations are given covering the technical aspects of organ building and there is often the chance to inspect within the organ chamber too. Organ builders also occasionally throw open their workshop doors for their fellow members to visit – which is always a popular event. The social side of such meetings – be it a catch up over lunch, or in the bar later(!) – is also a valuable aspect of our Meetings.
Being the largest craft association for pipe organ builders, we liaise with other organisations both connected to the pipe organ (e.g. Royal College of Organists, Church Dioceses) and outside the craft but important to the operational aspect of running an organ building business e.g. annual negotiations with the GMB trades union in setting pay rates.
At our website we host the national list of Redundant Pipe Organs i.e. those organs which are no longer in use and so become available in the second-hand market. Through this route, we have assisted in the re-homing of c.500 organs, both within the UK and overseas.