SurreyWARLINGHAMAllSaints(thevoiceofhassocksCC01.0)1 TheVoiceOfHassocks

All Saints

All Saints dates from about 1250AD, and much of that structure remains today.

Warlingham, Surrey

Opening times

Sorry, there are no regular opening times for this church.


Church Road

In 1893 the south aisle was added and the west end of the church was extended; the 13th century south door was moved, a consecration cross can be seen on the door jamb. The original bell turret was also replaced. Apart from these changes the church is much as it was when built in the 13th century.

On the north wall is a wall painting of St Christopher. It is ascribed to the 15th century and was uncovered in 1881. Also on this wall a number of ‘put log’ holes are exposed. These show where some of the scaffold timbers were inserted during the original construction.

Opposite the pulpit is a window portraying Archbishop Cranmer presenting the first English Prayer Book to King Edward VI. This perpetuated the tradition that the new prayer book was first used in this church. On the sill of this window are plaques commemorating the first televised church service by the BBC, our Harvest Festival in 1950.

An interesting feature in the chancel is the priest’s door and leper’s window, both of which date from 1250. The window was used for hearing confessions. Lepers were not allowed to enter church but could watch the mass through this window.

There are 22 War Graves from both World Wars. Other interesting graves including that of Sir Joseph Swan FRS, the great inventor who died in 1914 and Richard Ward, who died in 1878, having established Methodism in Warlingham.

In the churchyard there are about two hundred trees of many varieties including several ancient English Yews, one of which is believed to have been planted when the church was built. The oldest Yew is thought to be over 2,400 years old.

Flora and bird surveys have been made. There were 142 species of flora recorded in 2004 including Good Friday grass and Creeping buttercup. 55 different species of birds were identified including cormorants and house sparrows.

Our churchyard management plan encourages the growth of wild flowers and includes a grass and hedge cutting programme.

  • Wildlife haven

  • Spectacular stained glass

  • Glorious furnishings

  • Fascinating churchyard

  • Famous connections

  • Captivating architecture

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Parking within 250m

  • On street parking at church

  • Level access to the main areas

  • Dog friendly

  • Café within 500m

  • Bus stop within 100m

  • Church of England

Contact information

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Caterham Valley, Surrey

St John’s church community cares for the people of Caterham Valley, offering a warm welcome to visitors.