Beacon Church Centre

The Beacon Church Centre was built in 1928 with halls added in 1961 and a concourse in 2005.

Rubery, Worcestershire

Opening times

Visits are available at the following times (please note all evening visits should be by prior arrangement).
Monday afternoon and evening.
Tuesday morning and evening.
Wednesday all day.
Thursday morning and some afternoons.
Friday morning and evening.
Saturday morning.


Whetty Lane
B45 9DL

The 1928 church is of typical Congregational style with pews seperated by two aisles.

The organ is a modern digital one but the old pipes have been left for atmosphere.

The 1961 halls are the home of Rubery Drama Group who regularly put on performances.

Many other community groups meet here. The concourse is set out as a coffee bar.

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Space to secure your bike

  • Parking within 250m

  • On street parking at church

  • Level access to the main areas

  • Dog friendly

  • Accessible toilets nearby

  • Congregational Church

Contact information

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