St Leonard

The Grade I church is mainly Victorianised Perpendicular.

Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire

Opening times

Key nearby


The Avenue
Stanton Fitzwarren

The north and south doorways are Norman. It has an important Norman font carved with the 8 virtues and the 8 vices. There is Victorian and Edwardian woodwork, and Kempe glass.

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • Fascinating churchyard

  • Glorious furnishings

  • Magnificent memorials

  • Social heritage stories

  • Spectacular stained glass

  • Wildlife haven

  • Bus stop within 100m

  • Café within 500m

  • Dog friendly

  • Level access to the main areas

  • On street parking at church

  • Parking within 250m

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Church of England

Contact information

Other nearby churches

St Michael & All Angels

Highworth, Wiltshire

The church is mainly 13th century and Perpendicular although an earlier tympanum of Samson and the Lion survives.