St Adamnan

One of the oldest churches on the Isle of Man, said to be where Christianity first reached the Manx shores.

Lonan, Isle of Man,

Opening times

Mostly unlocked. There are services but it might be worth contacting The Friends of St Adamnan's for service timetables.


Bayr Ballemenaugh
Lonan, Isle of Man

Hard to find, but well worth the effort. Thought to date back to circa 1190. A charming small church with rich history and sited in the most glorious of countryside. The congregation must have walked miles to reach St Adamnan.

In the bottom of the grounds is a wooden, slate roofed construction containing a seat and and one of the Churches Celtic crosses. One of which dates back to the 5th century.

'I always felt uplifted after my many visits to this glorious place. The church only seats around forty people and represents a tiny bit of heaven on the Isle of Man.' Les Simpson

  • Wildlife haven

  • Social heritage stories

  • Magnificent memorials

  • Fascinating churchyard

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Steps to enter the church or churchyard

  • Level access to the main areas

  • Other

Contact information

Other nearby churches

Old Kirk Braddan


Old Kirk Braddan houses several Celtic and Norse crosses from the period 800-1265.

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