EXPERIENCEPilgrimandProphets(adriangrayPERMISSIONBYEMAIL)5 AdrianGray

Pilgrims & Puritans

We are following the latest Covid19 guidelines, which can vary across the UK with local restrictions in some areas. Please do contact and keep in touch with your Experience host to check how these may affect your trip. 

  • Babworth, the home church for the Mayflower Pilgrims and a beautiful country church

  • Austerfield, the tiny church with 1400 years of church history and where William Bradford grew up

  • An option for Choral Evensong at Lincoln Cathedral with an historical introduction to this great building

Babworth, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7BP


Start time and duration by arrangement


Available any day, all year apart from over Christmas and New Year (20 December to 2 January).
Please contact us to arrange a suitable date and time.


We will plan and price your tour individually but please work on the basis of £20 per hour for a group of less than 15, rising in proportion for larger groups.

If we plan to visit any additional attractions with an additional entry fee, we will discuss and agree that with you in advance. Refreshments / meals are not included. If we provide transport there will be an additional cost.

Commercial operators can approach us for rates for larger or smaller groups.

Who can come

This tour is great for everyone other than very young children

Group size

1-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50+

A tour of the highlights of the country that produced Thomas Cranmer, the Mayflower Pilgrims and the first English Baptists including some great puritan monuments.

Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire produced some of the great leaders of the English Reformation but most famously it produced the puritan leaders who became the key figures in the story of the Mayflower Pilgrims and also three of the leaders of the English Baptists.

Our tour visits some beautiful country churches linked to men like William Brewster and William Bradford, you hear about the great puritan writer Richard Bernard in his monumental church of Worksop Priory, see John Wesley's Epworth, and we visit some of the best church monuments of puritan figures you will find anywhere.

You can visit the quayside from which many of the separatists left England and also opt for an extension to include the homeland of Thomas Cranmer, the famous martyred Archbishop or John Cotton’s Boston.

Additional details

This tour is organised and managed by Pilgrims & Prophets Ltd.

The tour can start from any suitable point in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire: we suggest Retford, Newark, Gainsborough, or Lincoln. The end point can be arranged at your convenience.

The standard tour is planned for a day but we also offer a half day ‘highlights’ or an extension for those keen on the full experience.

Pilgrims & Prophets are a community group formed by local churches and led by a Cambridge educated historian. We love a good story but we also have a deep commitment to Christian heritage and faith in all its forms. We publish books (you may be interested in ‘From Here We Changed the World’ or ‘Restless Souls, Pilgrim Roots’) and promote national tours through our friends in the UK Christian Heritage Network. You can get a taste for our tour on our YouTube Channel.

Facilities & refreshments

Some of the churches we will visit have toilets, we will advise you in advance.

We can include refreshments and/or food, and will discuss this with you in advance. We use multiple locations with various options.

We can ensure that there is car or coach parking if required. The tour can start from any suitable point in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire: we suggest Retford, Newark, Gainsborough, or Lincoln. The end point can be arranged at your convenience. 

Some of the tour will be outside so bring appropriate clothing.


This tour involves periods of walking and some steps. There are accessibility issues at some of the churches we visit, notably Babworth where there are ten steps. This tour is not suitable for wheelchair users due to steps at the churches. We can plan a tour where there is greater accessibility. Please contact us for details.

No special skills or knowledge required but please note that tours are only given in English.

Contact your host

Pilgrims & Prophets Christian Heritage Tours

07470 366689
