HerefordshireMONNINGTONONWYEStMary(philippankhurstCC-BY-SA2.0)1 PhilipPankhurst

St Mary

Unchanged since its rebuilding in 1679; an oasis of tranquillity in a stunning location.

Monnington on Wye, Herefordshire

Opening times

Open 365 days a year.


Monnington on Wye

'Even in a diocese with many unusual church buildings, St Mary’s stands out. The tower is mediaeval, but the rest of the church is of 1679. Its completeness, in fabric and furnishings, accounts for its Grade I listing.'

: The Archdeacon of Hereford

The church has no gas, electricity, or running water; it is accessible only on foot along a woodland path by a brook. It is an oasis of tranquillity, and is much loved by locals and visitors.

The building also has a lovely acoustic and is used for summer concerts and sung evensong. The local community works very hard to care for this little jewel of a church, and to reach out to others so that they can enjoy it too. The church has many historical links. Going back to the early 15th century, there is a persistent claim that Owain Glyndwr, Prince of Wales and fierce opponent of Henry IV and V, was buried here. We have no evidence one way or the other, but you are very welcome to come and look (no digging. please)!

Things were also fairly lively at the time of the civil war. The owner of Monnington Court, right next to the church, planted the magnificent Monnington Walk, a mile long avenue of alternate yews and Scots pines, in 1643 to celebrate his election as an MP. You’re very welcome to explore the Walk, which is a place of great beauty. Some 35 years later, in 1679, the nave of the church was rebuilt. The change of political fortunes can be seen all too clearly, with a large and striking Charles II crest on the south wall.

The interior of the church is unchanged since 1679. The sister of Revd Francis Kilvert, of 'Kilvert’s Diary' fame, was married to the rector here in the 19th century. He was a frequent visitor and Monnington appears from time to time in his diary, including an occasion when the river Wye was in flood to such an extent that he rowed a dinghy up the aisle.

Do visit! You’re very welcome.

  • Captivating architecture

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • Famous connections

  • Glorious furnishings

  • Magnificent memorials

  • National heritage here

  • Wildlife haven

  • Dog friendly

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Church of England

  • Foundation Grant, £7,044, 2019

  • Our Foundation Grants fund urgent maintenance work and small repairs to help keep churches open.

Contact information

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