Banff Parish Church

Banff, Grampian


Banff Parish Church
AB45 1AE

The church (formerly known as St Mary's) dates from 1778. It is attached to the current hall complex which was built in the 1930s. In the late 1920s a chancel was added, to which the organ was removed. The Roman Doric pilastered tower and tall Gibbsian spire, a prominent landmark, was added in around 1828.  Interior refurbished 1927. Gallery at west, lit by 3 stained glass windows c.1927 by Stephen Adam Studios. 

The church is suffering from water ingress the causse of which was identified in a structural survey carried out in 2015. Works include rectify missing and loose slates to tower and roof, repair/replace timbers in bell support framework, repoint stonework.

  • Presbyterian

  • Partnership Grant, £5,000, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

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New Aberdour, Grampian

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