Calder Parish Church

Coatbridge, Strathclyde


Calder Parish Church

The church was built in 1870 and is constructed of light cream Earnock stone, the external facade being finely dabbed shoddies with architraves, quions and features in ashlar, in the Gothic style. Dual pitched roof with natural slate covering and associated lead weatherings. Tower, spire and pinnacles above the main entrance including ecclesiastical architectural features befitting a Gothic style church c. 1870. Falling masonry alerted the congregatuion to the issue at the beginning of 2016. A survey was undertaken by which identified the areas in need of urgent repair. The loose stones will be removed, drilled to recieve double stainless steel dowels and rebedded in hydraulic lime mortar. At the same time remedial work will becarried out to the slating, leadwork and gutters to stop water penetration.

  • Presbyterian

  • Partnership Grant, £4,000, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

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