St Mary

Playford, Suffolk


St Mary

Although recorded in the Doomsday Book, no visible evidence of the original structure remains. The nave, of random flint rubble construction, dates from c.1300 with fine later-C14 south and west windows, though the chancel was entirely rebuilt in 1873-4 in the Early English style. The interior is light and airy with a tall and elegant chancel arch of c.1370 but drastic re-ordering during the Victorian period removed all earlier fittings with even the whitewashed barrel ceiling being replaced with the present open trussed roof at the time of Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. The project involves re-bedding or replacing  capping stones to gables, flint work pointing and repairs and repairs to flashings. The project will make the church watertight and prevent damage to the roof in general from water ingress.

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £3,000, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

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Little Bealings, Suffolk

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St Andrew

Rushmere St Andrew, Suffolk

From a distance the late medieval flint and flushwork tower is typical of East Anglian country churches, but the surprise on reaching the south side of churchyard is quite the most splendid Norman doorway.