St Mary

Rothwell, Lincolnshire


St Mary

A grant recommended by the Lincolnshire Historic Churches Trust under the County Trust Small Grants Scheme.

  • Church of England

  • Repair Grant, £5,000, 2009

  • Our Repair Grants funded urgent repair work to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

St Nicholas

Cabourne, Lincolnshire

St Nicholas stands on a bend on the A46 and is easily missed, but if you stop you will find a surprisingly beautiful church with Saxon tower, grave markers, Norman font and other ancient features.

St Nicholas

Cuxwold, Lincolnshire

Described by Arthur Mee as 'tiny and remote and prettily set' Cuxwold does indeed feel a little remote when there but it's only just off the main arterial road in Lincolnshire.

St Mary

Thoresway, Lincolnshire

St Mary is a fine example of a church overseeing a traditional rural Wold village, the village has high hills around it and a sparkling stream beginning its journey which ends with the marsh and sea.