St John

Mansfield, Nottinghamshire


St John
NG18 1QH

The church was mostly built in 1856 with the north porch added in c.1906 in the Gothic Revival style. Placed on 'At Risk' register in 2014 category 'A'. It is a large church in the centre of Mansfield Town. Many slates are missing and the roof is clearly suffering from nail fatigue. The extreme height and difficult approach to the nave roof, even with specialist equipment make this difficult and a burden to the parish. Repairs include nave, chancel, vestry and both north and south aisles require replacing,  including the lead gutters, refurbishment of rainwater goods internal re-plastering and redecoration to ceilings.


  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £5,000, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

St Michael

Pleasley, Derbyshire

Built in about 1150, St Michael's church is a simple single aisled building displaying a Norman chancel arch and a later 14th century tower.

All Saints

Clipstone, Nottinghamshire

The Bolsover Colliery Company gave the site and £3,000 for the building of this miners’church, in red brick, which was dedicated in 1928.