St George

Modbury, Devon


St George
PL21 0QN

Predominately 700 year-old, St George’s is a Grade 1 listed church containing significant historical architectural features from the 13th century. With its typical Devon three-gabled roof, the church stands magnificently above, and is a dominant feature of the town, and the surrounding AONB. Its tall broach spire, which can be seen from afar, was rebuilt in its original form in 1621 after a lightning strike. The building contains a significant number of historic architectural features showing architectural response to social changes and trends in Christian worship over the centuries, including very rich, early 14th century canopied tomb recesses with damaged figures, barrel roofed chapels with decorated roof bosses, and richly carved and elaborately decorated door surrounds. Parts of the building pre-date the Doomsday Book and its early development was closely connected to the adjacent Benedictine Priory. In 1441, Henry VI granted the Priory to Eton College who is still responsible for the ancient duty of keeping the chancel end of the church 'water and wind proof'. Steeped in history, having witnessed medieval strife and suppression, the church survived the Civil War when two battles were fought in Modbury and Parliamentarian forces and horses were billeted in the building. This living monument of Modbury's history is a focal point of a thriving and growing community - a widely used community facility catering for a diverse range of activities, particularly musical events due to its excellent acoustics.

Top tips from feedback:

- Take time with applications and don’t be afraid to be ambitious.

- Be prepared to commit more time and effort than you expect to monitor the project timeline and finances.

- Don’t be overawed by the ‘professionals’ and simply assume that everything they say must be right. Be prepared to question everything and anything that is not fully understood.

- Insist upon seeing and agreeing any Additional Works Orders in advance of them being issued and implemented.

- Monitor the timeline and finances carefully and if it starts to slip, be prepared to take action.

- Think of innovative ways to keep the community onside and informed.

- Despite the workload, take the time to enjoy seeing the project come to fruition.

  • Church of England

  • Repair Grant, £20,000, 2015

  • Our Repair Grants funded urgent repair work to help keep churches open.

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