St Giles

Blaston, Leicestershire


St Giles
LE16 3DE

Blaston St Giles is one of six churches serving six small villages in rural south-east Leicestershire. It is a small church built in the 1880s to the design of G E Street and serves a village of only 24 households. The church has two screen-mounted stained glass windows, reputedly from the original House of Lords. 

The original wood platforms (130 years old) supporting the 17 pews in the nave are decaying and need complete replacement by treated joists and floorboards on sound brick piers, with waterproof membrane. This work will cause damage to the plaster and paint on the walls (to which the pew-ends are secured) requiring re-plastering and redecoration before the pews are refitted. The work is urgent for reasons of safety. The pews will be safe to use, the church's Victorian heritage will be preserved, and the newly re-decorated nave will be bright and welcoming. The project will restore essential Victorian fittings in this Victorian village church.

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £2,500, 2016

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

St Mary the Virgin

Ashley, Northamptonshire

This beautiful 13th century medieval Northamptonshire ironstone and limestone church, with spectacular broach spire, and sumptuous chancel, lavishly decorated with marble, alabaster, semi precious stones and gold leaf.

All Saints

Sutton Bassett, Northamptonshire

A small stone church of Norman origins on the village green.