St Nicholas

Nether Compton, Dorset


St Nicholas
Nether Compton

Awarded £5,000 for re-leading of roofs, and repairs to rainwater goods.

A building has stood here for 700 years, initially almost certainly being served by Benedictine monks from Sherborne Abbey until the first Rector was appointed in 1405. In the 15th century, the church was enlarged, becoming more-or-less as it is today.

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £5,000, 2017

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

Other nearby churches

St Michael

Over Compton, Dorset

The church stands next to Over Compton House, the home of the Goodden family.

St Andrew

Trent, Dorset

Beautifully set in a pretty, rambling, village, and with an early 16th century priests' house next door, St Andrew's is an exceptionally attractive church, and has one of only three medieval spires to be found in Dorset.

Sherborne Abbey

Sherborne, Dorset

The great golden Hamstone bulk of Sherborne Abbey presides benignly over its little medieval town.