NorthamptonshireGREATBRINGTONStMaryVirginStJohn(darrinantrobusCC-BY-SA2.0)1 DarrinAntrobus

St Mary the Virgin with St John

The church dates from around 1300 but it is the intervention of the Spencer family of nearby Althorp that transformed the medieval building. Sir John Spencer (d1522) rebuilt the chancel and commenced the funerary chapel that lies adjacent to it. Further intervention of both church and chapel was carried out by Edward Bloor in 1840s.

Great Brington, Northamptonshire

Oriau agor

Open during daylight hours.


Main Street
Great Brington

The church contains good 16th and 17th century benches with poppy heads. The final appearance of the chancel, reredos and pulpit dates from around 1903. 

The east window of The Adoration of the Lamb is by Morris and Co in 1912, and is a memorial to Countess Spencer.

The spectacular Spencer tombs date from the early 17th century through to the 19th and include works by Jasper Hollemans, Nicholas Stone, John Stone, Nollekens, Flaxman and Chantrey.The church also contains the tomb slab to Laurence Washington, ancestor of George Washington.

  • Social heritage stories

  • National heritage here

  • Magnificent memorials

  • Fascinating churchyard

  • Famous connections

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Space to secure your bike

  • Parking within 250m

  • On street parking at church

  • Level access to the main areas

  • Dog friendly

  • Accessible toilets nearby

  • Church of England

  • Partnership Grant, £2,500, 2018

  • Our Partnership Grants funded a range of repair projects, recommended by County Church Trusts, to help keep churches open.

  • Community Grant, £15,000, 2008

  • Our Community Grants helped churches to install essential facilities such as toilets and kitchens.

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