LeicestershireNORTONJUXTATWYCROSSHolyTrinity(davidphowardCC-BY-SA2.0)1 DavidPHoward

Holy Trinity

An early 14th century village church in the middle of the country, might this perhaps have been where Robin Hood could have rode the glen, or Ivanhoe hunted boar, or Richard III marched his men, can you hear the monkeys at the nearby zoo?

Norton Juxta Twycross, Leicestershire

Oriau agor

Saturdays and Sundays 10am - 4pm, subject to repairs and services, please contact pauline.bee@btinternet.com to check accessibility [a small step into church, 2 steps in Chancel]


Orton Lane
Norton Juxta Twycross

Holy Trinity Church is an early 14th century village church with a 4-bay nave, 3-bay chancel and a tower. It was heavily restored in 1841. There are gargoyles, animal and human faces, on some of the external windows’ arch mouldings. It also features a 19th century ball flower ornamental stone door surround, with faces on the door handles.

The clock was made by Samuel Deacon of Barton in the Beans 1840. Inside has an arch-braced hammer-beam roof over the nave and an arch-braced collar roof over chancel. There are a stone font and a full set of 19th century box pews with poppyheads on the bench ends. The clerk’s box, hexagonal pulpit & lectern are contemporary with the pews.

The church probably sits on the site of an earlier Saxon church, as the village is known to have had a priest by the 1086 Domesday survey, when Comitissa Godeva (Lady Godiva of Coventry fame) was the named overlord of the village. By 1220, Norton church was under the patronage of the Prior and Convent of Belvoir.

  • Captivating architecture

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • On street parking at church

  • Ramp or level access available on request

  • Steps to enter the church or churchyard

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Church of England

  • Heritage Stimulus Fund Grant, £71,626, 2021

  • Repairs to roof, rainwater goods and structure.

Contact information

LeicestershireNORTONJUXTATWYCROSSHolyTrinity(davidphowardCC-BY-SA2.0)1 DavidPHoward

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