CornwallCOVERACKStPeter(derekvollerCC-BY-SA2.0)1 DerekVoller

St Peter

Set in prime position, the little white washed village church has an excellent view overlooking the sea and harbour and a very peaceful atmosphere making you feel welcome.

Coverack, Cornwall

Opening times

Open daily between 10am to 4pm.


Mill Road
TR12 6TE

Built in 1885 the church features a serpentine pulpit which was donated by the old serpentine factory at nearby Poltesco.

In the early 1880s Mr William Trevenen of Helston gave half an acre of land to St Keverne parish for the purposes of building a church and burial ground.

Revd Sutton and his parishioners took five years to raise money to start the building. The initial cost was £500.

The new church and burial ground were consecrated and dedicated at a service on Thursday 20th August 1885 and the church hall was built some years later in 1911.

  • Wildlife haven

  • Spectacular stained glass

  • Social heritage stories

  • National heritage here

  • Magnificent memorials

  • Glorious furnishings

  • Fascinating churchyard

  • Famous connections

  • Enchanting atmosphere

  • Captivating architecture

  • Walkers & cyclists welcome

  • Space to secure your bike

  • Parking within 250m

  • On street parking at church

  • Level access to the main areas

  • Dog friendly

  • Accessible toilets nearby

  • Church of England

Contact information

Other nearby churches

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