St Peter

Wilburton, Cambridgeshire


St Peter

  • Church of England

  • Community Grant, £5,000, 2009

  • Our Community Grants helped churches to install essential facilities such as toilets and kitchens.

Other nearby churches

St Andrew

Sutton in the Isle, Cambridgeshire

There are strong echoes of the famous octagon of nearby Ely Cathedral in the silhouette of St Andrew's, proudly set on its ridge and visible for miles across the Fens.

Ely Cathedral

Ely, Cambridgeshire

Queen Etheldreda was foundress and abbess of Ely and it was here that she restored an old church and built her monastery.

St Mary & All Saints

Willingham, Cambridgeshire

The Fenland village of Willingham owes its exceptionally interesting church partly to its location on a medieval processional route.