Support organisations

Our online directory of church and heritage organisations.


Henry Smith Charity

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

The Charity make grants totaling approximately £25 million each year to up to 1,000 organisations and charities throughout the UK for initiatives and projects that address social inequalityand...


Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust


Formed in 1954 to provide financial help with repairs, restoration and improvement to all Christian places of worship in the county of Herefordshire, encouraging wider interest in them and raising funds for these purposes.


Heritage Alliance


The Heritage Alliance unites 92 independent heritage organisations in England, acting as a powerful, effective and independent advocate for the movement.


Heritage of London Trust

Greater London

The Heritage of London Trust is the only building preservation to cover all of Greater London. 


Heritage Open Days


Heritage Open Days celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to places that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission. Every year on four...


Heritage Trust Network

England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

The Heritage Trust Network operates throughout the United Kingdom, drawing together and supporting the work of local heritage groups, whether constituted as building preservation trusts, community...


Hintze Family Charitable Foundation

England, Wales

Grants to advance the work of Christian churches in England and Wales and for the repair and maintenance of Christian Churches in England and Wales and in particular in the Diocese of Southwark....


Historic Buildings & Places

England, Wales

Historic Buildings & Places was founded in 1924, as the Ancient Monuments Society. The Society works to sustain, defend and promote all aspects of the built historic environment, for the benefit of all.


Historic Chapels Trust


Historic Chapels Trust is now managed by the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT). They rescue places of worship in England that are no longer in use by congregations. They aim to hand them onto future generations in good condition, as the physical record of vital strands of our history. Their buildings include include a range of nonconformist chapels and Catholic churches. 


Historic Churches of the Church of Ireland

Northern Ireland

The purpose of this website is to provide a practical and a positive guide towards the conservation of the architectural heritage of the Church of Ireland and to ensure that, with sympathetic care...